Saturday, February 16, 2013

Homemade Laundry Soap

Hi, I hope you are enjoying your weekend! I know that I am.  As you know, I have found a new interest for natural and chemical free products, as well as DIY product that are cost efficient.

So...Today I made my own laundry soap!

Like the lipbalm, I did my homework and looked at a LOT of different ways to do it. Here is how I chose to do mine:
I started by gathering everything I needed

Next I found something that would hold a large amount
and would make the least mess as possible! So
I found a cardboard box that I already had and lined it with a trashbag. 

Next I grated three bars of Fels Naptha.
 (Warning, this was a workout to grade all three bars lol)
Once this was grated, I added the remaining ingredients into the box.
Borax, Baking Soda, Super Baking Soda, Oxy clean
Next, I used a metal spoon and stired everything together.
Do this slowly or you will be breathing this stuff!
(Yes I had it flying around in the air lol)
Now I am resourceful so I chose to use a popcorn tin that I had saved from Christmas, SO glad i chose to save this! I am the only one who sees inside my laundry room, so appearance was not top priority here. You may choose to use a glass jar, plastic container, etc.
Oh, and I will use the spoon from the oxy clean :)
Ok so lets recap:
*you will need 3 bars of Fels Naptha, 1 box of Borax, 1 large box of Arm and Hammer Baking Soda, 1 Large box of Arm and Hammer Super Laundry Baking Soda, and one small container of Oxy Clean
*Using the trashbag inside of the box made for VERY easy clean up!
*You do not have to use the Oxy Clean, I chose to because my husband always has oil stains on his clothing.
*From the research I have been doing, this is safe for ALL washing machines. I have also read that this may cause a build up like any cleaner. To clean your washer, simply run your washer empty with hot water and one cup of vinegar.
*You will only use 2 tbs of this per load!!!  This will last you approx. a year!
*And the best part?? This only cost $15 to make!!
I look forward to updating you all on how this is working for our use! Thank you for taking the time to read this. As always, please feel free to share this, however, please provide a link to my blog when you do.
Have a Great Day!

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