Sunday, February 23, 2014

A new perspective!

After sharing my "story" on here I have been thinking about how many changes we have made as a family. I think the biggest thing that comes to mind is just my perspective and priorities now. Here is what I have been learning: 

1. It's ok to let a phone call go to voicemail if I am playing or reading a story.

2. Who cares if I am on level 100 on Candy Crush with three moves left, if she wants my attention, she gets it! It's just a game!

3.  Commercials are terrible and offensive even if the show we are watching is not!

4. The Disney channel reminds me of TGIF from when I was growing up! Family friendly!

5.  My "road rage" magically goes away when she is in the car. So you want to pull out in front of me and go 30mph, I'll just be late. No when she is not in the car, yes I will honk when you cut me off and I WILL pass you! 

6.  Going to the bathroom is now a game of trying to keep the cabinet doors closed, fingers from being smashed in the door, toilet paper from being unrolled, and a little one from flipping head first into the bath tub...all while sitting on a toilet! Oh and my personal favorite. To stand up and be quick enough to get the lid down before she tries to touch the water! 

7.  Date night with my husband is something I used to take for granted because it happened when we wanted it to. Now we make it a priority to plan it out so that we still have quality time being us.

8.  Having friends who are mothers is the best resource you can have! Google is helpful but another mom will relate and tell you what did and did not work with their child.

9.  I have not purchased a new pair of shoes in over a year, B has had over 12 pair :)

10.  The song "You are my Sunshine" makes me cry and I cannot sing it. Knowing when we moved our sweet girl into our home that it may be temporary, "please don't take my sunshine away" becomes more than just words. 

11. And what's with Rock A Bye Baby? A baby falling from a tree, no thanks! Lol

Ok so that is enough for one night! Hope you have enjoyed reading all the fun things I have been learning about what it takes to be a mom! 

What all are you learning?  

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