Saturday, March 15, 2014

Bountiful Baskets


We decided to try out Bountiful Baskets this weekend. I was looking for a food co-op when a friend told me about this one. I was impressed! It is $15 for each basket.  With the little ones allergies, we have been buying a lot more fruits And veggies, which sure adds up! I haven't decided if we will purchase one a week or one every other week, there was a lot there though. Here is the pic of what we got today:

This is how I chose to store the fruits and veggies that do not need refrigeration. This way I will see them and be reminded to eat them!

Here is the link: 

If you are part of a co-op or group that you enjoy let me know!! I'm looking for one that does fresh meat! 

I am also going to start posting recipes from the produce I recieve from BB :)

Have a great day!


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