Saturday, April 26, 2014

My Story: Chapter 2

Hi all!

I'm just going to jump right into this where I left off before. 

Our adoption of our beautiful little girl is still going strong. We are hoping to finalize things in the next few months to make it all official! We could not be more excited! 

She is such a blessing to our little family, I'm so happy that God chose to place her into our lives and into our home. 

Now to share what's new:

Five weeks ago we moved in a three week old baby boy. As with our daughters case, we cannot provide any details surrounding this case. I will, however, share that he is our daughters half brother.  This is the reason we agreed to care for this precious baby. 

I know there are lots of questions but I have to answer most with I don't know or I can't share. We don't know what God has in store for us or what the future holds. If he becomes available for adoption, we will happily welcome him into our family. If he leaves us, we will care and love on him until then. 
It is our prayer that this little guy be raised in a loving Christian household where he will be safe and nurtured. We pray that whatever happens be in the best interest of him not all of the adults involved. 

Now let me just share I have a new respect for moms! Lol  We have never cared for a newborn for more than a few hours at a time. We moved this little guy in as a preemie and boy is he a tiny little thing! I have learned how to assist him eating to help him drop his tounge, how to keep his body temp at 98 at all times, and how to function on 4-5 hours of sleep! :)   Luckily I have a LOT of support! We have people who  have allowed me to get naps in, have prepared meals, bought diapers, and even done my dishes! 

We are learning as we go and googling the rest! Lol

Well that is all for now, thanks for letting me share! 
